Find your Foundation.

Step onto your mat for the first time, and learn the foundations of your yoga practice.

Are you nervous about starting yoga?

This 6-week workshop series is designed specifically for the absolute beginner or anyone wanting a step-by-step review of the basics! In just 6 short weeks, you will walk away with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of yoga, breath work, and alignment.

Beginner Yoga Foundations

6 week Series: Wednesdays Feb. 7th, 2024

Never practiced yoga before? This 6-week workshop series is designed specifically for the absolute beginner or anyone wanting a step-by-step review of the basics! In just 6 short weeks, you will walk away with a strong foundation in the fundamentals of yoga, breathing, and alignment. This workshop will meet twice a week to bring in the foundation of practice and purpose. Upon completion you will have enough knowledge to be comfortable walking into drop-in basic or open level yoga  classes.

ONLINE: Wednesdays @ 11:30 am , starting Feb, 7th


“If time actually healed people, no one in the world would be hurting. time is simply space, what matters is how you use it. if you fill your time intentionally with self-love, letting go and building the new habits your being needed, that would make a real difference.”

Yung Peublo