A breathe of fresh air…
Breathe. To take a breathe, and a moment is not something that comes naturally to me. And, it is especially hard for me when things feel tough or challenging at times. I do not know about you, but this time of year can offer challenges. The seasonal shift weights heavy on me, and even more so the shift of summer fun into school and structure, and sports, and meetings, and travel, and…well life gets busy. I forget to breathe. I forget the tools, the simple foundations of what I have learned on my journey with yoga, meditation, healing, and all the things that are now in my fun and accessible “emotional toolbox”.
Yung Pueblo writes.substack.com “Maturity is not just about changing your decisions and embracing your evolution so that you can take steps forward, it is also about how you handle things when it is time to slow down. It’s about having the ability to sit with yourself during the moments where you simply do not feel good. Anything can trigger a down moment, often it is valuable to understand the cause so you can navigate around unnecessary trouble, but there is no such thing as a perfect system or a perfectly safe space – there will be times, whether the cause is clear or not, where you have no other option but to face the heaviness of mental turbulence.”
*(check out Yung Pueblo’s Blog, absolutely worth a read! Then go buy his new book that comes out soon!)
I think is is so important to bring some of the tools out of my box and share them with you. So, that you can maybe just try one…in that moment for you when the struggle feels real, just know that “I got you”! So I offer you a few, I hope they help, and they offer you a chance to find your breathe.
Find quiet each day with 10 min of journaling and quiet. This does not require meditation! I recommend right away in the morning. Need Journal prompts check out the growth day app, this is an incredible tool…more on that in another post!
Go for a walk in Nature. If you have a pet that needs movement this is a easy 2 for 1! That time in nature is enough to give you a natural reset.
Take a bath, use essential oils, lavender is a good old friend, one that you really can not go wrong with using!
Try EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. Visit this site, or download the app. This is a quick and easy tapping routine that you can do when you need that reset! I have the app, and I promise you….this one is a VERY important tool for me.
Do 3-4 Sun Salutations and move your body. This is not a powerful and over the top yoga practice. Just a few salutations to shift the brain.
Sign up to do the BEING YOU: journal + meditation program with me! Message me for more details
We are all walking this path together, if you need more guidance, check out my classes at BLU, and see if you can incorporate them into your schedule! This is a fantastic way to get involved with a community of people who may be feeling just like you!!!