Allowing things to move through…

Do you have moments where you are just not sure you are going to get through the day? The emotions are moving faster than you are ready for? Those emotions are even possibly making you feel stuck and unable to move. I do. I am experiencing it as we speak. Life holds a lot right now. Parenting is hard. Being an entrepreneur is hard. Being a loving partner is hard. Being Human is hard. So what do we do?

“keep unbinding the past that weighs down the mind

let go of the tension that limits your ability

to wholeheartedly enter into the present

heal the fear that stops you from aligning

with your highest goals

-this is how you stay committed to your growth”

Yung Pueblo, Lighter (BUY THIS BOOK! It is that good!

I guess for me today, I choose some hard work. I choose to sit down and listen and feel the discomfort. What does hard work look like? It is going to be different for everyone. Today I sit quietly and I give myself grace. I had the experience of having a wonderful friend come into the studio yesterday for a facial. She and I were chatting about life and the tricks it is throwing at each of us. She looked at me, and said something along the lines of “put the fire out under your ass”! I laughed and asked her what she meant. She said put the fire out from under your ass and take it slow and steady. The world usually throws out that statement of “I just need to light that fire under my ass and get it done!” Or…something like that. She simply said that just is not worth it. OMG! I loved this and it resonated with me all day long. So, allowing things to just move through and walk this path one foot at a time. This is when the magic is going to happen. This is when I will be able to actually find my breathe and know that what I am doing is what I am aligned with. I know this is a rambling, but I guess that is what this blog is for, a rambling for all of you to read and know that we are all experiencing life right now, even when it is really epically hard!

So, I invite you to ““put that fire out under your ass”…..I am not sure that is exactly the phrase, but you get the point! Slow and steady friends, allow things to move through.



Trying something new…


A breathe of fresh air…