Trying something new…
Stepping into the uncomfortable and trying something that we have never done before can create a great deal of nervousness, anxiety, and fear in all of us.
I think back to the first time I stepped into a yoga class, I was so nervous! I had been interested in exploring yoga, I was getting a tug and nudge that it was something that I would really love. I was in college, I believe around 20, and I had heard of this incredible teacher who was teaching at an old church in Ashland. Felicia Santini. She was an Iyengar instructor that lived in Ironwood, Michigan. She ran a studio over there and would come to Ashland to teach. I was sitting in my car, it was cold outside and I had a bit of a pep talk in my head. You can do this…you got this….all the things swirling around in my head. I got out of the car.
I walked into this old church and this sweet, incredibly strong woman with the most beautiful silver grey hair greeted me with a hug that had a certain level of inspiration and love that I had never experienced. There were props, mats, blankets stacked with a sweet community of people ranging in all ages seated and chatting it up. It felt good. It felt so safe. That next hour of class was one of the hardest and most beautiful times in my entire life! I will be completely honest, I don’t remember much of the class in terms of what she taught, but I remember the challenge, the love of being in the space with these people, and….it was the first time in my life that I felt like I had found my home. That class, now that I reflect on it, altered my life. It created a stir in me that allowed me to discover what would eventually be my full time passion and career.
All of this took place because I decided to simply try something new that I had never done before. It was so very scary, uncomfortable, and extremely challenging….and it was one of the greatest decisions that I have ever made.
This is an invitation to you. This could be your opportunity to see if there is something out there that you have been tugged by and you just have not taken that leap. Obviously, I would love for every single one of you to try yoga…it can really alter your life…but really it can be anything! It may not change your career, it might simply offer you the sensation of deep joy that you have been looking for. That, my friend, is worth it. Finding that joy is worth the fear and nervousness that settles in you. The fear will go away, and the joy will fill you.
What is it you want to do? Its now your turn!!