just chew your food…huh?
“slow down…chew your food!”…
“chew your food, you are gonna choke!”…
We have all heard these phrases as we grew up. Do you remember when you were little and sitting down for lunch basically because you had to, but you desperately wanted to go back outside and play? So you literally would inhale your food so you could get back at it!
So innocent and fun, right!
So, this is actually the first and foremost point in our “found”ations of healing and health. This concept of chewing your food is actually the first thing the body needs to do in order to properly digest the food you are about to consume.
When you chew your food, the brain releases the saliva and the necessary amylase in your mouth, this actually starts the breakdown of the food as you swallow.
BUT….ya know what? It is not just about chewing, it’s also about what you are doing while you are eating!
Slow down. Cue….eye roll, right. We are in constant chaos every. single, day. I can speak for myself that I am a mama, yoga instructor, business owner, wife, and on and on and on! So, I understand that you are probably looking at me like I am crazy.
Just hear me out…
Here is another magic nugget for you, your body can not digest food unless it is in a parasympathetic state. Ok, I know….big word…what in the world are you talking about, Darcy?
Your parasympathetic system regulates “rest and digest” functions. Huh, look at that! Rest and digest! So, the opposite of this is your sympathetic system, preparing the body for strenuous physical activity, the “fight or flight” mode.
Just some simple “found”ations TIPS + TRICKS!
Eat your meals sitting down, in a quiet setting and attempt to eat when you are not overly worked up or stressed. I know this is a BIG ask, but if you are not able to sit down maybe you eat a smoothie, or sip some yummy bone broth throughout your day.
when enjoying your food, put our electronic device away! This is distracting the mind, you are not able to stay in that parasympathetic state if you are staring at a screen.
Be intentional about the food you serve, give yourself a portion that is appropriate to not feel overly full or bloated.
Avoid large amounts of liquids whiling eating. When you drink large volumes of water with your meal you are actually washing away those important digestive enzymes and saliva that is needed to create the proper setting for digestion.
when you awake in the morning, enjoy a glass of warm water with lemon first thing. Before you grab your coffee, drink this and enjoy. This help wake up the digestive system and have it support you as you start to eat your first meal or drink your first cup of coffee
Try taking a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar or bitters mixed with water in a shot glass before eating, to activate those digestive enzymes.
Digestive Enzymes + HCL are always an option to support the production of enzymes and HCL production in the body. (This is something you should speak with your doc or practitioner before you start especially if you are taking NSAIDS or heartburn meds)
Intentionally pay attention to the foods that do not agree with you. Do you notice that when you eat ice cream within 10 minutes you are running to the bathroom? Yup, that is not supposed to happen! Maybe it is time to eliminate it out for a bit!
NO NO foods!: hydrogenated oils, trans fats, refined sugars, fatty fried foods, processed and packaged foods, baked goods, etc
Include some herbs into your world! Dandelion, flaxseed, fenugreek seed, psyllium seed,
slippery elm, nettle and licorice root. Check out Seeds for Well Being…Erica has amazing herbs at her shop! Or Tasha Rose has the most amazing nettles ever!!!
Increasing healthy fiber from certain foods like roasted, sauteed or raw dark leafy greens, brassica family members like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage and prebiotic foods like bananas, jicama, asparagus, and artichoke. So, this one you would need to baby step, if you are experiencing bloating and gas when eating these foods, your gut is not prepared to handle that fiber, and you need to slowly introduce them.
Gut inhancing foods like ferments, chlorophyll, spirulina,probiotics, + collagen
Set your intentions toward your healing.
Just imagine for yourself how nourishing it could be to take a few of these tips and incorporate them into your day. Imagine the idea of enjoying the food you are consuming, and actually giving your body the TIME to absorb those nutrients so that you can take the world by storm!
Do you have questions? That is great! I am here to answer them! Send me a message, and let’s set up a consult.
It is time for you to slow down and chew your food!